Sunday, September 27, 2009

the sailors have arrived...

A few weeks after our Divers DTS started a Sailors DTS began. They spend most weeks out sailing and weekends docked at our base. The first week both schools combined to listen to the same guest speaker, Dean Sherman. Our topic was spiritual warfare. We learned that the only weak Christians are the ones who don't know who they are in Christ. It is so important for us to know our identity if Christ and We also spent time learning the kingdom's agenda vs. the enemy's agenda. On Sunday the divers were able to go for a short sail with the sailing group. It was fun, but it confirmed that I made the right decision to be a diver rather than a sailor! I definitely would be one of the first ones to fall off the boat!

This past week we had Jeff Pratt as our guest speaker who spoke on the Father Heart of God.
Some key points:
*The heart of the father wants his children to know how He feels about them
*Our pasts need to be reconciled in order to have power in the present and hope in the future

During our intercession time this past week we were given two different options of where we could be headed for our outreach. The staff presented the two places and had us spend 10 minutes by individually praying about where God wants us to go. We each came back with our choice written on a piece of paper. In the end, all eight of us will be going to THAILAND in November. We also found out that we'll be combining our outreach with the sailing students. A few of the sailing students will be staying in Central America and the rest will be joining us in Thailand.

Thanks for uplifting me in your prayers, I truly appreciate it. I love receiving emails letting me know how I can be praying for you too! Please keep sending them!

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